Family Caregiver Articles & Resources

Handling End of Life When Seniors Have Dementia

In-home care will be able to help monitor your loved one and may be able to speak of any side effects of other medications and more.
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When your senior loved one gets diagnosed with Dementia you may think it’s the end of the world. Luckily, with the help of in-home care your loved one can live out the rest of their days in peace. It can be easier and more relaxing to age in place as a senior with Dementia rather than move into a new environment. Unfortunately, when the time comes and your loved one is near the end of their life, it can be scary when they aren’t remembering things. So, how can you prepare for the end of their life when they are battling Dementia too? Here are some tips to consider during this final stage of life.

Treatment of Conditions

Your senior loved one will likely have left you in charge of making decisions on their health for them. You will need to sit down with their doctor, in-home care, and whoever else is caring for them to evaluate their conditions and get treatment plans based on those. In-home care will be able to help monitor your loved one and may be able to speak of any side effects of other medications and more. This will be so helpful in a doctor’s appointment and it will help you make a knowledgeable decision on what kind of treatments your loved one needs to be comfortable during the end of their life.

Always Be Supportive

Just because your senior mom or dad has Dementia doesn’t mean they do not have lucid moments. Your senior parents may have good moments and bad moments and no matter what they are going through you need to be supportive. Being emotionally supportive will be a crucial step when helping someone during their final phase of life. In-home care can also help with this task, it does not have to fall all on your shoulders. It takes a team to work together to give your loved one the life they deserve at the end.

Be Patient

Take your time with your loved one and enjoy their company while you can. Be patient with them and allow them to live while they are still in this realm. Don’t rush them because one day you will miss the time you had with them. The end of life is not always quick, sometimes it is long and takes time, but it’s important to remember you don’t want to rush the time you have left with them.

Know the End Signs

Everyone experiences death differently. There is not one person who will go through the same thing. However, from an outside perspective, there may be certain signs to look for that the end is near. A senior with Dementia may start moaning, grunting, yelling, or grimacing instead of talking or using any verbal cues. They may stop eating or not be able to swallow food near the end which can be concerning for many adult children. At this stage, a senior may need in-home care and hospice care to help keep them comfortable until they pass on.

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