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Home Care Helps Seniors Recover at Home After a Fall

Home care is essential for seniors who are recovering at home.
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When seniors who are aging in place fall and end up in the hospital it may seem risky to bring them home to recover when they are released. But in many cases, home is exactly where they want to be. Some studies indicate that seniors will recover from a fall faster if they can recover at home where they are comfortable and happy.

Home care is essential for seniors who are recovering at home. Unless you can be with your senior parent around the clock while they recover, it’s important to have home care. Home care will make sure that your senior parent has all the support they need to recover fully.

If you’re worried about the cost of home care or how to pay for home care, don’t worry. If there is a medical need for home care, then families typically don’t have to worry about how to pay for home care. Most insurance companies will pay for necessary care. Some of the ways that home care can help seniors recover at home are:

Health Monitoring at Home

When seniors come home from the hospital they shouldn’t be alone. A home care provider can monitor your senior parent’s blood pressure and other health indicators. They can also make sure your senior parent is getting any medications that the doctor prescribed on time to help manage your senior parent’s pain. If there are any changes in your senior parent’s medical status the home care provider can call your senior parent’s doctor immediately.

Help Getting Up and Around

After a hospital stay, seniors need to start walking around as soon as possible. Movement, especially walking, helps their circulation and helps maintain muscle tone. A home care provider can help your senior parent safely get in and out of bed and get to the bathroom. They can also help your senior parent get moving and walk around throughout the day to improve their circulation.

Assistance with Activities of Daily Living

Until your senior loved one is back on their feet fully they will likely need help with everyday activities like bathing, getting dressed, brushing their hair, brushing their teeth, and getting back into a regular daily routine. With the help of a care provider your senior parent will be able to do the things they need to do to feel normal again.

Starting Rehab Exercises

After a fall seniors should start rehab exercises as soon as their doctor tells them to. However, seniors who have been injured in a fall may not have the mobility to get to the doctor’s office or the physical therapist’s office. Home care providers can facilitate rehab at home, meeting with the physical therapist, and helping seniors do their prescribed physical therapy exercises at home.

Coordinating Care

Home care providers can act as liaisons between the senior and healthcare professionals, facilitating communication and coordinating care. They ensure that medical appointments are attended, follow-up care is scheduled, and any prescribed therapies or interventions are implemented.

Preventing Social Isolation

Seniors recovering from a fall may be at risk of social isolation. Home care professionals provide companionship, engage in conversation, and encourage social activities within the home or community, promoting emotional well-being and reducing feelings of loneliness.

Maintaining a Clean and Safe Home Environment

Your senior parent will likely be unable to do housework, so a care provider can help with dusting, vacuuming, doing laundry, doing dishes, and doing other light cleaning so that your senior parent can have a clean and cozy environment to recover in.

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